These are some ideas of how I want to present my digipack cover from stills taken from my music video.
This has potential to either be the back or front of the digipak. Throughout our music video we used skateboarders as due to the research of our target audience this would appeal to our young male demographic. Therefore within this shot I've used a still from the video where the young skateboarder is in anglia square and started to cover the road in drumsticks using photoshop. Due to the poor quality of this image I'll have to shoot it again . I've tried to cover up the poor
quality by adding a filter to the image.
I think this is an image which would work well on the inside cover or back of the digipak as the far left side has space to put track names or just to leave blank. This image, like the previous, would be too pixilated to use as a larger image therefore it would have to be used within a montage or repeated over.
This image represents britishness as it is a similar image to that used by the beatles for their album cover 'Abby Road.' This image g
ives an iconic ska twist to this famous album cover of The Beatles and therefore represents iconic Britishness within the band Smaller Than You and the origins of ska. This picture would work best on the inside behind the CD or on the back of the digipak.