Tuesday, 2 February 2010

First ideas digipak

These are some of my ideas for my digipak which is promoting the EP for the band Smaller Than You.

Front Cover of Digipak
The front cover is a signifyer of teen rebellion. This links to the audience demographic of young males around 19 years old. This cover uses intertexuality of American ska which is often associated around a skater image.
What works mostly with this image is it has a narrative and revolves around a stereotypical image often associated with young 'hoody wearing' males. The turquoise graffiti image of the body climbing the wall is representing what society thinks the hoody wearing youth would do or what the 'hoody wearing youth' has just done and is simply a shadow of teen rebellion.

Inside left panel

This is the image I will use for the inside left panel. I took this image in Anglia Square and shows the graffitti I drew for the band Smaller Than You. This image I thought worked well on the inside left panel as it works with the audience demographic of the video which is young males aged around 19. This image appeals as it connotes teen rebellion and also works with the skater image which is represented in the ska genre of our artist as well as music video for

Inside right panel (behind CD)

This image links with the image often associated with American Ska which is a skater image. I imported drumsticks into the hand of the skateboarder to show association with the band as well as tie in with the plot of our music video which see's the drummer of Smaller Than You trying to retrive his drumsticks in time for the gig.

The image works well to be behind the CD as the skateboarder is the centre focus of the image therefore once the buyer of the audience is drawn to this image once the disc has been removed.

Back Panel

I wanted to use this image to tie in again with my audience deomographic for the band Smaller Than You. The image shows a stereotype of a young male youth. It does this by showing him smoking and wearing a hoody. This stereotype immediatley associates the young male with crime and rebellion. The image is also a response to the Arctic Monkeys album cover 'Whatever people say I am that's what I'm not'.
The font used for the track names is 'stencil'
This was used as it has two associations. The first is with a prison branding which gives the idea that all male youths wearing a hoody are associated with crime. The other is graffitti which has also been used to show 'Smaller Than You' on the front cover which therefore shows continuity within the digi-pak.

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