Tuesday, 2 February 2010

How magazine adverts promote the artist.

These are some adverts taken from NME. They show the different ways of advertisement record companys use to promote the artist. This can vary depending on their genre or mainstream image.

This is an advert promoting the tour for the artist 'Florence + the machine'. This image is taken from the video for the single 'you got the love'. This advert works as the artist is the centre focus of the image therefore the audience can immediatley see which artist the advert is promoting. The tour date underneath are in bold and therefore can be glanced at quickly.

This is a magzine advert for the latest Maccabees album 'Wall of Arms'.
The band have used individuality within the artwork of this poster. The image shows the band to look like plastic models. This can be seen as ironic of the artist as it is a representation of how the music industry can mould a band into what an audience desires. They have used the image from their album cover. This is a good marketing tool as the reader can look at this advert and know when they go to buy the album, the image reminds them of the one the advert wants them to buy. The text of the album is in blod so can be easily read. There are also ratings of the albums from NME, The Guardian and The Independent which allows the reader to gain an idea as to whether the album is worth buying. It also gives a sponorship from the shop 'HMV' which allows the reader to know where the album can be purchased

This magazine advert is advertising the tour for Hot Chips recently released album, 'One Life Stand'.
The art work used on the poster is taken from the cover art of the album. This, I think, is a good idea as the use of the cover art shows that this the album they are wanting to promote without having to use text. Therefore it is an advert which can be understood at a quick glance.
It gives clear tour dates in blod capital letters which allows the reader of the magazine to see where they are playing. It also gives phone numbers of the gig venue they are playing so their audience can ring the venue for tickets.
I personally don't like this advert as it doesn't seem very eye catching and uses very dull images.

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