Thursday, 10 September 2009

Cast for Music Video

The main idea for the video is a skater theme therefore we will have a large cast of skaters who will either be in the background at certain points of the shoot or going round norwich passing the drumsticks to a different person. We want to include a female skater in our shoot to make it go against conventions but also try not to make it ruin the ska feel of the video by making the video seem to pop like Avril Lavigne and her video for sk8r boi.

A few of the skateboarders who will appear in the video

Three of the male skateboarders in our video are actually in Smaller than You. These members are Jasper Dumas, Jake Cummings and Daniel Tuffs. Other members are local Norwich skateboarders Ross Barber, Chris Yeomans and Owen. They are all young between the ages of 18-25 and therefore appeals to our young target audience of this band.
Female characters
Martha Woodward
We decided to go against the female skateboarder as we couldn't find someone willing to do it. However her character is seen wearing a check shirt but a skirt and leggings therefore still reflects a skateboard image within her character. Her role is to steal the drumsticks from Chris at Anglia Square where Daniel Tuffs takes them at St.Benedicts.

Hannah ustel
We wanted to include some more females within our cast so we decided to cast Hannah as the character who first steals the drumsticks from Jake. Again she isn't shown as a very girly character as she wears in the shoot black skinny jeans and a long cardigain. This way it doesn't make the video seem too distastful or 'cheap'.

Main character of video
Jake Cummings
Jake is the main character of our Music Video as he is the drummer of Smaller than You and is shown in the first shot of our music video getting his drum sticks stolen. Therefore allows our narrative to be relative to the band as Jake is the drummer and works on the fact that Jake won't be able to perform that night without his drumsticks. Jake is also skateboarding in our video with other members of Smaller Than You.

The Band Smaller Than You who will appear throughout the video either performing, skateboarding or just in background.

Members of Smaller Than You are Jasper Dumas, Jake Cummings, Sam Irwin, Rikk Richardson and Alice Grenville. The only members of Smaller Than You in our video are Rikk Richardson, Jasper Dumas and Jake Cummings. We couldn't put the whole band in our video as they are either not in the country at the moment or are involved with work.

1 comment:

  1. First paragraph of your explanation doesn't make sense. Perhaps it's a good idea to include a female in your cast to broaden audience appeal. You need to comment on the sexualisation of the image of Martha Woodward, the pouting lips and body language strongly indicate the male gaze and out of step with the spirit of your music video. You must identify the debates around this representation.
    On the other hand the image of Hannah indicates equal representation of gender - her costume is similar to the boys in the band. She is also active in the music video, not a passive pouting sex object. Well done for interesting explanation.
