This nike advert helps to give an idea of how filming the low angle shots of the skateboarders will look and develop an idea of how we can mix these different angles and still allow the video to have continuity.
This Long shot of the Skateboarder allows the camera to track the whole movement. It's also a good shot as it includes all of the background and the audience can realise that the skateboarder is being rebellious as this a high class resedential estate which he is trespassing. This helps to develop an idea of the ways in which skateboarders can be filmed in being professional but also rebellious which appeals to our young target audience who are wanting to rebel from society.
This is really good close up of the skateboarders feet as he rides along the street with his skateboard. The company Nike succeed in their marketing strategy by including this shot but is using a subtle marketing technique which is always keeping the audiences instrest by including many different angles . In order to achieve this shot the camera would need to be on a dolly in order to follow the movement. Therefore in order to do this shot it would have to be hand held with the skateboarder holding the camera whilst it films their feet.
This high angle shot makes the advert seem more impressive in the way the shadow is so clear and moves with the skateborder and how again they have shown rebellion as a girls bike represents small children living where he is skating and who's parents wouldn't approve of his behaviour. It is likely this shot was taken using a crane so for our group to get this angle in our music video we would have to improvise and be taking the shot from either a bridge or ladder.
An excellent evaluation of research into a similar music video - well done for focusing on camera shots and angles.