Monday, 16 November 2009

Questionnaire results

These are the results obtained from the questionnaire given out to 5 males and 5 females to help work out our audience demographic for our music video for Smaller Than You with the single 'Who Knew'.
These results aren't in the original order of the questionnaire.

Average age of our female audience from the questionnaire is 21.
Average age of our male audience from the questionnaire is 19.

The blue graphs are the results of our females and the green are the male results.
1) How often do you buy your music?

The results show that 60% of males buy their music very often where as only 20% of females will buy their music very often and 40% of females rarely buy music. This shows that are male audience are more insterested in buying music and supporting the artists they enjoy listening to where as the female audience would be more likely to simply spotify their artist or find a way to illegally download.

2) When do you mostly listen to your music?

Males appear to be very sociable when they choose to listen to their music with a strong 80% saying they enjoy listening with friends as well as on their own. Our females also appear to be very sociable when listening to their music with 60% choosing to listen with friends as well as on their own. This shows that our audience would enjoy our chosen song for our music video as it is of ska genre and could be enjoed at parties as it is lively and up beat so are audience can listen to music and socialise at the same time.

Where do you hear about new music/bands?

It is clear that males prefer to research for new music/bands with 60% of males finding new music/bands on the internet whereas 80% of females will find their new music through music channels on the television or the 60% who will simply listen to whats on the radio. Therefore when it comes to promoting our band Smaller Than You it is more likely that we will have a mainly male dominant fan base at first as our music video will only be able to be promoted on You Tube or the bands Myspace. Once the band are signed and have a big enough budget to promote the video on music channels such as MTV the female fan base will begin to increase.

What type of gizmos do you own?

Iphone and Blackberry weren't chosen from either genre showing they are more popular with an older working generation of 30-45 year olds due to cost and use of the technology. The mobile was chosen with and even 80% of females and males owning one as well as 80% owning an ipod. This shows how the society today has a need for new technology to allow them to keep up to date with social events and communication with friends, the ipod is an insight to how our target audience enjoys music when moving from place to place therefore would enjoy our artists energy and would inspire them when it came to listening to them privatley. The males appear to be more up to date with technology overall as 60% own a laptop or PC therefore would be more connected in wanting to research and find the band which we are promoting.

Where do you buy your music?

Males tend to shop in a variety of places for their music where as females tend to only shop on itunes, supermarkets and HMV. This again supports the point made earlier about how the fan base for our unsigned artist will be male as 40% answered that they shop at independent retailers for their music therefore when our artist is first released it may not make it straight to high street retailers but instead independent shops such as Norwich's Soundclash which sells artists on smaller labels. These smaller labels are also likely to be found on internet sites such itunes as 40% answered that they buy their music from their so there will be a small minority of female fans but it will be mainly male dominant.

How often do you buy your music in a month?

Males appeared to buy music more often than females which links back to the very first question about how males will support the artists they enjoy buy buying their EP/album/single where as females will find an alternative. 40% of males say that they bought music once a week this dispplays how their is often a negative impact upon the younger generation when it comes to illegal downloading as it isn't recognised that there is still a large percentage who are still trying to buy their music as much as possible. This 40% has a positive impact upon our artist as it is likely that if released their single will be likely to be bought rather than illegally downloaded.

Where do you buy your clothes?
(female results) (Male results)

Females prefer to buy clothes off the highstreet as females are portrayed as being more fashion concious than males. Males show a higher ratio of internet shopping and indpendent which shows from these results that they are more likely to spend their money on the latest laptop or mobile phone rather than spend their money on clothes.

Which websites do you use on a regular basis?

From these results it is likely we could get a good promotion for our music video as it would be posted on Youtube and males had a 100% result for viewing Youtube on a regular basis with females as well having a high 80% result. Both females and males view facebook 100% shoowing that the young generationg relies on these websites for communication. These social netoworking sites are beneficial to new un-signed artists particuarly myspace as fans can listen to samples of their music and let other friends know that they are a fan of that particular artist. Spotify doesn't appear to be popular with females but more so with males with 40% saying that visit the site on a regular basis. However Spotify is still a new way of listening to music and is only been recognised in the last 6 months so if these results where to be taken this time next year it is likely that this result would be higher if the site was truly successful.

What would you say your favourite music genre is?

80% of females prefer pop to males suggesting that males generally stir away from mainstream where as mainstream music s often female driven due to boybands and girlbands being aimed to be admired or idols. Females had more variety in their choice of genres showing that they would be more open to enjoy new music and choose to not listen to it due to opinion rather than music type. Males show a more intellectual music preference and show that they are more in touch with independent artists 'indie' therefore look for the smaller bands/artists. Therefore it is likely from these results that our fan base would be male as they also had 40% listening to ska which is the genre of the band Smaller Than You who we are making a music video for. Ska didn't seem very popular in either male or female but it isn't often recognised within the charts therefore giving it a smaller fan base.

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